Prepare For Your Newborn Session

Find all the info you need about what to expect and how to prepare for your fine art newborn session

There is probably no more exciting (and so quickly forgotten) moment in life than the birth of a newborn. These images are the ones you’ll keep looking at for years to come.

Your Canberra Newborn Session is designed to showcase your tiny bub. They are the star of the show, and there will be a wide variety of images capturing every single detail.

An important component of the session is bub’s relationship with their family. Images with mum, dad, siblings (human or furbabies!) form a standard part of your gallery.

I provide all the styling elements needed for your session, including outfits, wraps, headbands and bonnets.

You’ve chosen me as your photographer because you have fallen in love with my images. I take time to style your session beforehand, and every piece of fabric and other styling elements have been carefully selected to match colours and tones.

This is a process that needs preparation beforehand, so if you’d like a particular setup, please send me a screenshot of my work before your session so I can make sure to include it.

I have a range of poses and set ups that I move through in this time. If there is an example of my work that you are particularly fond of, or if you have special ideas for your own session, please let me know with at least 24 hrs notice. Due to the nature of detailed preparation required for your session, I cannot accommodate out of the ordinary requests without prior notice.​

I set aside the entire morning or afternoon for your session so the session is relaxed and not rushed.  Typical sessions run for 2-3 hours, and allow plenty of time for feeding, settling and cuddles. I take your bub’s lead and allow him/her to be the focus of the shoot. Please note that sessions can last up to 3 hours or go for as little as 1 hour, but in most cases, they last approx two hours. This is purely dependant on how happy baby is for us to do my thing.

Please do not schedule other commitments after your session, as I cannot guarantee that I will have captured what I need to for a full gallery for you if you need to leave by a certain time.

The ideal timeframe to capture your new bub is 5-21 days after birth. I want bub to be sleepy, flexible and calm!  While I recommend booking in prior to birth, don’t hesitate to contact me after bub is born too. My style also works well for bubs up to 12 weeks old.

I book your session based on your due date in our diary to coincide with the 5-21 day window. This is flexible around when bub actually arrives, and I adjust the date according to if bub arrives early or late. I ask that you let me know as soon as bub is born so I can confirm the date.

My newborn style works well for babies up to 3 months of age. Babies up to approximately 3 weeks old will still be likely to produce the beautiful, squishy sleeping images you see on my website. Babies between approx 4-6 weeks will probably end up sleeping at some point in the session, and I will also capture some beautiful awake images with stunning eye contact with the camera. When bub is approx 6 – 12 weeks old, this is what I call a “First Smiles” session. The images (and there will be lots to choose from!) will be full of cheeky chubby smiles and lots of expressions. It is unlikely that bub will sleep, and this session will be far closer to 1 hr in length before bub has had enough. (It’s also important to note that bub is already their own little person with their own preferences, so they may not conform to these generalisations!)

As far as what to dress you and your partner in, keep it simple. Plain, solid colour t-shirts are best. Throw in colour if you’d like, but stick to neutral colours.

Dad, wear a plain t-shirt (no logos, writing or pictures, no collars or buttons that could disturb bub)

Mum, if you like, you’ll have access to my gorgeous range of gowns to flatter your changing body.

Just remember…simple, solid and neutral works best and helps keep the mood soft, with the focus on bub.

Avoid prominent logos, licensed items or writing on clothing. A bit of makeup and a blow-dry will make Mum feel comfortable, beautiful and ready for photos.

If siblings will be at the session, it is best to dress siblings in solid, neutral colours (eg: black, navy, cream, white or grey), so that the focus can still be on bub. For the sibling images, I’ll wrap girls in a matching wrap, and boys I’ll take their top off so they go bare-chested.

There are some things that you can do before you arrive at the studio to help ensure a successful session:

  • One hour before your session, wake (if asleep) interact and play with bub.
  • Before leaving home, dress bub in clothing that does not have to be taken off over their head.
  • Time a feed right before you leave. Bub will be full, settled and asleep, ready for their starring role.
  • When you arrive at the studio, if you have a removable car seat capsule, bring bub in the capsule. This keeps them settled until I’m ready for wrapping bub.
  • I will remove them from their carseat and undress bub down to their nappy. This ensures they are not disturbed too much, and I can keep them sleeping to start the session right away.
  • A tired bub/sleeping bub with a full tummy is a cooperative baby!

MOST IMPORTANTLY if this doesn’t work, or it all goes pear-shaped on the way to the session, DON’T WORRY.  These are only suggestions and I am experienced in working with whatever bub feels like doing.

I recommend the use of a dummy for soothing purposes during the session. It can make the difference between soothing bub for the last few images versus having to add another hour to the session because of feeding and resettling. Every bit of comfort they can get makes for beautiful photos.

Your only job while in the studio is to RELAX. Sit back, relax, and watch while I photograph your newly born baby.

I know it’s hard to not be right beside them when they are so new and little, but I’m trained in newborn safety practices and will take very good care of bub.

While I’m getting shots of just your bubba, just sit back and watch me work my magic.

You can also use this as an opportunity to put your feet up, nap, answer emails, whatever you want to do to take a little break!


I are very much at the mercy of what my littlest client is happy to do. Wrapping is a vital tool in my box to keep baby happy, safe and secure, so I’m able to capture a full gallery for you. Baby has been safe and secure in your belly for nine months, and they are very used to the feeling of being wrapped. This is where they feel the most settled and happy.

I do understand that you may be after photos of baby unwrapped, and I will do my best to achieve this for you. With that said, it may be that the only way I’m able to keep baby asleep is to wrap them. I may not be able to capture the photos for you if baby is unwrapped.

Newborns have very little immunity. I take their health and safety very seriously, and your session will not take place if I’m unwell. If this is the case, I will let you know at the soonest opportunity and will reschedule your session when I’m better. Your newborn’s safety is my first priority! Particularly important is that my whooping cough, COVID and flu vaccinations are up to date.


I’ll schedule your ordering session at the end of your session. It is usually within 1-4 weeks of your session that I’ll be able to get you in the diary, depending on your availability aligning with mine.

Please note that ordering sessions are held during the week, as weekends are held for photography sessions.

Your ordering session is where you will view amazing images I’ve captured for you for the first time. These will have been narrowed down to show you the best of the best from your session.

I will help you shortlist your favourite images, discuss your requirements and use visualisation software to show you how your images will look best on your walls.

You’ll choose a variety of heirloom quality products including albums, folio boxes and wall pieces. I’ll expertly guide you through the best products for your lifestyle. Your ordering session is where you will choose your printed products and digital images; and make payment for your purchases.

This is not a hard process! Time and time again, clients have told me how easy I’ve made this process for them. The only hard part will be choosing your favourite images.

I realise that it can be difficult visualising the size of your products in relation to where you’d like to display them in your home. I use software that makes this a breeze, simply take a photo of an A4 size piece of paper against the wall you’d like to use, and send a photo to me. The software will do the rest for us!

Hi, I’m Janet

Mother of two fierce, highly rambunctious, primary school girls and Moments photographer. After years of photographing my own little ones in their early years, using photography as a creative outlet grew into a passion that grew into a business.

I am a fully accredited, award-winning photographer. From the moment your family is growing, I’m passionate about capturing snippets of the journey to display in your home forever.

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